Learning objective
- To evaluate the context, intention and value of street art.
Success criteria
- I can discuss
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National curriculum
Art and design
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Cross-curricular links
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
1: Lesson plan
An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson
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Learners needing support
Can use the Resource: Graffiti letters A-Z to support ideas when creating their graffiti artwork.
Learners working at a stretch
Should be encouraged to try more mark-making techniques, generating ideas of their own; could create a stencil to use.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: participating in a discussion
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Vocabulary definitions
The group of people the artist intended to interact with a work of art.
When someone is asked to create a piece of art.
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In this unit
Assessment - Art and design Y6: Drawing
Lesson 1: Experimental mark making
Lesson 2: Symbolic imagery
Lesson 3: Chiaroscuro
Lesson 4: Street art
Lesson 4: Street art - Christmas themed
Lesson 5: Powerful imagery