Learning intention

  • To explore how a drawing can be developed.

Success criteria

  • I can draw a portrait using the continuous

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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives

Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson


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Learners needing support

May be unable to make a continuous line drawing so allow them to take their pencil away from the page when needed; should be encouraged to look carefully at the mirror/photo, could trace over a photograph of themselves instead; may need to limit the choice of materials for the background; could produce one background, either painted or collaged, depending on ability and preference.

Learners working at a stretch

Should be encouraged to develop more creative ways of rendering the letters in their text to create the portrait outline; should be independent in planning their backgrounds and work with purpose to create a chosen effect.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: being able to vary


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Vocabulary definitions

  • background

    Things that appear to be behind what is nearer or in front in a picture.

  • collage

    Cutting, arranging and sticking materials like paper, fabric etc to a background.


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Lucy Roff

Art and Design specialist

Bio pic Lucy
Lucy is an Art and design specialist with 19 years of experience teaching and leading the subject in primary schools across all key stages. Having specialised in Tapestry at degree level, she trained as a teacher while maintaining her own creative practice. In…
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