Drawing: I need space

This unit focuses on understanding retrofuturism, developing skills in evaluating images and creating art through various drawing processes, including collagraph printmaking. It emphasises the development of pupils' independent artistic skills and their ability to generate, test, and refine ideas in their visual journals, leading to a final piece of artwork. Use this unit hub to inform your medium-term plan and to navigate to related resources.


Lesson 1: Space imagery

  • To explore the purpose and effect of imagery.

Lesson 2: Drawing decisions

  • To understand and explore decision making in creative processes.

Lesson 3: Teis Albers

  • To develop drawn ideas through printmaking.

Lesson 4: A vision of the future

  • To test and develop ideas using visual journals.

Lesson 5: Revisiting ideas

  • To apply an understanding of drawing processes to revisit and improve ideas.

Key skills

Generating ideas:


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Key knowledge

Formal elements:

  • Shape: Lock

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Key vocabulary

cold war



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Unit resources

Assessment – Art and design Y5: Drawing

Assessment resources for this unit. Use


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Knowledge organiser

A pupil-facing summary document, capturing the


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Key vocabulary

A display version of the key


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Subject resources

Art and design: Long-term plans

A suggested order for teaching Art


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National curriculum mapping

This document maps the National curriculum


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A spreadsheet for recording teacher assessments


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Art and design: Progression of pupil skills and knowledge

Progression documents showing how skills and


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Key vocabulary

This document lists the new vocabulary


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Equipment list

A checklist of art equipment required


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Art and design – List of artists

This document lists the artists studied


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