Learning intention
- To develop painting skills.
Success criteria
- I can use a comfortable grip when holding
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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives
E.02 Explore media, materials, tools,
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Cross-curricular links
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
1: Lesson plan
An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson
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Learners needing support:
- Guide learners’ hands to mimic a sweeping roller coaster line until they are confident to continue the movement and then replicate it on paper.
- Place a pencil grip on the paintbrush to help learners hold it correctly.
Learners working at a stretch:
- Encourage learners to add imaginative details to their roller coaster.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Learners with secure understanding can:
- Hold a brush correctly with confidence.
- Load the correct
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Vocabulary definitions
roller coaster
A ride that goes up and down steep slopes and round bends.
To make a line with a paintbrush.
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In this unit
Lesson 1: Junk model animals
Lesson 2: 3D colour drawings
Lesson 3: Repeating patterns
Lesson 4: Painting: Roller coaster ride
Lesson 5: Drawing for fun