Learning intention
- To join materials in different ways when working in 3D.
- Suggestion: To explore new ways of joining materials to create an abstract sculpture.
Success criteria
- I can try out more than one way
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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives
Cross-curricular links
Design and technology
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
1: Lesson plan
An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson
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Learners needing support:
- Put learners in mixed-ability pairs so they can help each other.
- Draw 2D shapes for learners to cut or cut 2D shapes for learners to use.
- Check learners can do all the techniques (cut, fold, roll, twist and slot card) before making a sculpture.
- Make rolled newspaper pieces for learners to use so they can focus on trying the different joining methods.
- Encourage learners to try all the joining techniques.
Learners working at a stretch:
- Challenge learners to refer back to what they learnt in Lesson 1: Structural shapes and apply their knowledge on a larger scale.
- Ask the learners, ‘How did you know that would work?’ ‘Why did you choose that join?’ ‘How are you working differently to last week?’
- Learners can use their own ideas for how to shape card and try new ways of joining parts of their sculptures.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Learners with secure understanding can:
- Try out different ways to make
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Vocabulary definitions
Art where the subject does not look like it does in real life.
To stand on something and not fall.
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