Learning objective

  • To design a castle.

Success criteria

  • I can recall the features of a castle.
  • I

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National curriculum

Design and technology


Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson


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Learners needing support:

Should make simpler geometric shapes (i.e. cuboid, cylinder, cone).

Learners working at a stretch: 

Should advance to more complex geometric shapes; can attempt to design their own nets (i.e. hexagonal prisms); can create specific features relevant to the person or purpose they are designing for.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: designing a castle with key features


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Vocabulary definitions

  • 2D

    Flat objects with 2-dimensions, such as square, rectangle and circle.

  • 3D

    Solid objects with 3-dimensions, such as cube, oblong and sphere.


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