Learning objective

  • To develop 3D CAD skills to produce a virtual model.

Success criteria

  • I can identify

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National curriculum

Design and technology


Pupils should be


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson


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Learners needing support

Could pause the Pupil video: Tinkercad 3D modelling and copy the steps after each stage; could be provided with the 'The Tinkercad remix project' from ‘Design and technology, Stage 5: Digital world: Monitoring devices to pull apart and rebuild instead of creating a project from scratch.

Learners working at a stretch

Should be challenged to continue developing their Tinkercad skills to combine multiple objects to add extra features and functions directly on their 3D model in Tinkercad.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: explaining key


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Vocabulary definitions

  • 3D model

    A three-dimensional representation of an object.

  • CAD

    Computer-aided design.


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