Learning intention
- To choose and join a variety of materials to make sculpture.
Success criteria
- I can try different ways of joining materials
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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives
Cross-curricular links
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Before the lesson
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Lesson plan
1: Lesson plan
An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson
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Learners needing support
Could refer to the Pupil video: Recycle and recreate playing in the background as they work independently. Pause the class at intervals to draw attention to positive examples of risk-taking and problem-solving; consider whether any children will find the open-ended nature of the lesson too challenging and have a suggested outcome (based on their strengths) ready if needed.
Learners working at a stretch
Should consider how they combine materials for effect, choosing colours and textures that work well together; could be challenged to try out a method of joining materials that is new to them or would challenge their skillset. Pause the class at intervals to draw attention to positive examples of risk-taking and problem-solving and praise those who are working outside of their usual comfort zone.
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Assessing progress and understanding
Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: exploring different ways to join materials
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