Learning intention

  • To choose, measure, arrange and fix materials.

Success criteria

  • I can measure the amount of wool.
  • I can

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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives


E.01 Encounter, sense,


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson


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Learners needing support:

  • Might need help to start wrapping or joining wool. Provide one-to-one modelling of how to pull the wool tight.
  • Could wrap a rigid shape like a stick, which is easier than wrapping card shapes (you could also provide a range of pre-cut card shapes).
  • Encourage learners to find solutions to what they find difficult. For example, if they struggle to knot wool to join it, they should use another method – wrapping over the top of existing wool could be easier.
  • Praise learners’ efforts to be independent and remind learners that they are not aiming for a ‘perfect’ finished product; they are experimenting.

Learners working at a stretch:

  • Could explore joining more than one object together when wrapping them.
  • Encourage learners to find ways to secure the wool close to the object when adding a new colour.

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Assessing progress and understanding

Learners with secure understanding can:

  • Choose and measure lengths of wool.
  • Change their wrapping

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Vocabulary definitions

  • craft

    Creating something beautiful that has a use.

  • knot

    A way of fastening a material by passing one end of it through a loop and pulling it tight.


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