Learning intention

  • To evaluate and improve artwork.

Success criteria

  • I can say what I like or do

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Cambridge Primary Art & Design (0067) Learning objectives


E.01 Encounter, sense, experiment with


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson


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Learners needing support: 

  • Guide learners to try out and adapt their collages.
  • Support learners by asking questions about their intentions as they work.
  • In pairs, one learner can test out an idea in their sketchbook while the other learner works on their collage and then swap roles.

Learners working at a stretch:

  • Encourage learners to choose a technique and try something they haven’t done before.
  • Encourage learners to talk about their ideas as they work and evaluate if a technique, e.g. sponging paint over the paper, looks as they expected.

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Assessing progress and understanding

Learners with secure understanding can:

  • Reflect on their own collage and the

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Vocabulary definitions

  • detail

    A small part of the whole artwork.

  • surface

    The top layer of the artwork.


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